Section 5:  Disclosure of the Organization Finances

  • Monthly briefings of the Organization finances shall be made available to members during its General Assembly
  • The Organization’s financial statements shall be provided quarterly to members during its General Assembly
  • Any active member can request to examine the Organization’s financial position in writing (subject to the approval of the board of directors)
  • The Organization  shall  submit  an  annual  financial  report  to  the  Internal  Revenue  Services(IRS).

Section 6:  Banking

  • The Organization shall operate an account(s) at any major financial   institution(s).
  • The President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be  the  only  authorized  signatories to make   cash withdrawal and or check withdrawal from the Organization’s  funds.

Section 7:  Audit

Auditors shall be appointed by  the President and  or the  Board  of Directors  during or before the  last General Assembly meeting of the Organization’s fiscal year and at any other time when necessary.


Section  1: Outline

  • To preserve and promote Esan cultural
  • To promote the interest and welfare of all its
  • To promote cooperation, harmony, and unity among
  • To promote commerce and educational excellence of all its
  • To encourage all members to be law
  • To enhance communication and dissemination of information among members,
  • To create a forum for intellectual and sociological exchange of Ideas
  • To promote and encourage patriotic habits amongst members, other Nigerians and the rest of the world at