Section 1: Members shall be:
Any Male indigene of a Local Government Area (LGA) falling within the boundaries of Esan Land of Edo State of Nigeria.
Section 2: Active Member(s) (same as Member{s) in Good Standing) shall be:
(a) All members as defined in Section 1 above shall submit a one-time, non-refundable application fee of $25.00 with his application.
(b) All members who joined the Organization after January 2009 are required to pay the membership registration fee.
(c) A potential member becomes a registered member only when his application materials and membership fee are received by the Secretary and approved by the General Assembly.
(d) All members who joined the association from inception are exempted from paying membership registration fee but will be required to complete and submit a membership application for UEO records; and
(e) In attendance for not less than two-third of scheduled monthly meetings (Eight (8) meetings) in one fiscal year and pay monthly dues and levies regularly as set forth in the constitution, on a contingent and or on as agreed upon by the Executive or the General Assembly.
(f) Events/ invitations should be broken down to (a) compulsory events (b) non-compulsory events. A member must attend a compulsory event otherwise he pays a fine unless the member was sick or out of town. General meetings are counted as compulsory events.
And, a member cannot invite us to a compulsory event if he is not financially active or if he missed UEO compulsory events more than 4 times in a year.
Section 3: Executive Committee
(g) The term of office of the executive shall end in June of election year irrespective of the month they were sworn-in in the year they were first elected.
(h) If there are no candidates in June of an election year or election could not be held due to an act of God, the executives’ members with expiring term, will be sworn-in in the month of July as a Caretaker committee until election is held or for a period not exceeding three months.
(i) The caretaker committee Spending Authorization shall be limited to payment of mortgage/rent and Utilities.
(j) Any financial disbursement other than (e) above shall be subject to the approval of the General house or the Board in case of Emergency.
Section 4: Board of Trustees
(k) Board members election shall be held in June, not in the same year as Executive members election.
Deregistration and Re-registration
A UEO member(s) who has/have been de-registered and need to re-register shall pay a fine of $50 plus the prevailing registration fee and payment of all dues owed to the Organization up to the time that/those member(s) last attended the UEO meeting/or from the time a notification letter was sent from UEO inquiring about the where-about of such a member(s).
Section 5: Associate Member(s) shall be
(a) All members as defined in Section 1 above, resident in Houston, Texas, and the World at large, and;
(b) Pay dues regularly as set forth in this Constitution.
Section 6: Affiliate Member(s) shall be
(a) All Members as defined in Section 1 above and
(b) Are not resident in the City of Houston, Texas, and its environs.
( c) Pay dues, regularly as set forth in this constitution.
Section 7: Honorary Member(s) shall be
(a) Citizens of Nigeria and/or other non-Nigerians who are interested in the culture and welfare of the Esan people.
(b) Others not included in Sections 1, 2, 3, & 4 above.
Section 8: Rights
(a) At the General Assembly meetings, all members as defined in Article III, Sections (2) and (3) above shall have the freedom to speak/contribute to any UEO deliberations/discussions, the right to vote and be voted for.
(b) Only Active Members shall be eligible for election as Officers of the Organization
(c) Only Active Members can formally invite the UEO to any social/cultural and or any other event(s) whatsoever.