Section 1: Frequency 

(a) The General Assembly shall meet at least once a month during each calendar year.
(b) The General Assembly meeting shall be held every second Sunday of the month during each calendar
( c) The executive committee shall meet regularly at least one week in advance of the monthly General Assembly meeting or at the President’s request/discretion.

Section 2: Special/Emergency Meetings 

(a) Emergency or special meetings shall be called as necessary by the President.
(b) Emergency or special meetings may be called by any member in good standing provided such meetings are approved by the executive committee or the Board of Directors or by a simple majority of the number of the members present at the preceding General Assembly meeting.
( c) Emergency or special meetings may be called by any member in good standing if any unforeseen circumstances prevent approval by the executive committee or the Board of Directors or by a simple majority of the number of the members present at the preceding General Assembly meeting.

Section 3: Quorum 

( a) At the executive and Board meetings, three of the executive members and four of the Board members shall respectively constitute a quornm.
(b) Except as provided elsewhere in this Constitution, approval of decisions of the general membership or Executive members or Board members shall be determined by a simple majority vote of the members present at the meeting at which the decision was made.
( c) Meetings of the Executive committee or Board of Directors shall not commence without a quorum.


Section  1: Privileges 

(a) The Executive committee shall have the privilege to award any special recognition or certificate(s) of appreciation to outstanding members i.e. Outstanding Member Award(s).
(b) The General Assembly shall have the privilege to award any non-monetary special recognition to any individual who may have rendered outstanding services to the Organization i.e. Outstanding Service Award.

Section 2:  Nomination 

(a) The Executive committee shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, nominate a member for the Outstanding Member Award.
(b) Any member in good standing may nominate another member in good standing for the Outstanding Member Award(s), provided a detailed written account of the achievements of such a nominee is submitted one month in advance of the date of such award to the Executive committee.

Section 3:  Presentation 

(a) Awards shall be presented at the most opportune time.
(b) The Outstanding Member(s) Award shall be presented in the month of May at the General Assembly meeting.
( c) Other awards ( e.g. honorary membership) may be presented at the most opportune time.


Section  1: Sources 

(a) Revenue shall be generated from membership fees; monthly dues; donations; special contributions and/or levies; and interest from the Organization’s bank account.
(b) All members as defined in Article III, Sections (2) & (3) shall pay membership fees, monthly dues and special levies which would normally be determined by General Assembly’s vote.
( c) The Organization shall organize and implement fund raising activities such as car wash, sale of Esan artifacts, community work, parties, etc.

(d) The Organization shall accept donations or contributions from all well-wishers.
( e) Sources of revenue shall not be limited to those stated above.