Section 4: Disciplinary Committee

  • The Disciplinary Committee shall be made up of five (5)
  • Three members of the Disciplinary Committee shall constitute a
  • Meetings of the Disciplinary Committee shall not commence without a


  • All disputes between members of the UEO shall  be  referred  to  the Disciplinary Committee for hearing/resolution/adjudication
  • The Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to recommend sanctions/punishment(s) to the party(s) deemed at fault, subject to the approval or revision of the General

(I”) The Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to define action(s)/behavior(s) which constitute an  offence, subject to the  approval or revision of the General   Assembly.

(g)  All  disputes  to  be  brought  before  the  Disciplinary  Committee  shall  follow  the  laid   down procedure(s) for referring a case to the Disciplinary Committee for adjudication.


Section 1: The duties of the Executive Committee shall be: 

  • To uphold the constitution of the Organization
  • To promote the goals and objectives of the
  • To implement the resolution(s) or decision(s) made and agreed upon by the General
  • To summon the meetings of the General
  • To seek legitimate sources of revenue and other resources for the
  • To appoint and dismiss ad-hoc panelists and
  • To submit to the General Assembly an annual report of all activities and the  financial  expenses incurred by the
  • To submit a budget to the General Assembly for approval each
  • To lead/govern the
  • G) To perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the general

Section 2: The Duties of the Board of Directors shall be 

  • To serve in an advisory and consent role both to the executive committee and the general
  • To confirm, approve or disapprove members appointed by the executive committee to any official representation of the
  • To review the deliberations and activities of the executive committee, in this regard, the Board of Directors shall be independent of the

(cl) To initiate programs designed to enhance and promote the goals and aspirations of the Organization.

  • To review proposals from members or the executive committee. In this regard, the Board members shall  modify  or adjust such  proposal  as deemed  necessary, and  thereafter,  present it to the  General  Assembly  for vote, adoption,  or rejection.
  • To present any policy issue(s) agreed upon by a simple majority of the Board members to the General Assembly for debate, vote,  adoption  or

Section 3:  The duties of the  “Age group”  shall be:

To carry out any/all  special  duties  assigned to  the  specific group  by  the  President and  approved  by  the  board members.

Section 4:  The duties of the President shall  be:

  • To be the  official representative of the  Organization at all
  • To preside over all meetings of the General  Assembly and those of the executive
  • To call all regular and emergency meetings of the General Assembly as
  • To delegate parts of his  duties  and/or authorities  to  the  members  of the  executive  committee on  a temporary basis, as
  • To appoint an interim officer to the executive committee m case of  a  vacancy  due to resignation or inability of an executive member to complete his term of office prior to the  next
  • To act in emergency situations on behalf of the Organization, and with the consent of other members of the executive where
  • To act in non-emergency situations on behalf of the Organization with the  consent  of  the  general  membership and  Board of
  • To co-sign all checks/disbursements on  behalf of the

Section 5:  The duties of the  Vice President shall  be:

  • To temporarily assume the duties of the President when directed  by  the former  or  in  his
  • To assume the duties of the President in case of resignation or inability of the President to  complete his term of In such a case,  the Vice  President  shall  officiate  as  “Acting President”  until  annual  election  is held.

Section 6:  The duties  of the Secretary shall  be: 

  • To temporarily assume the duties of the President whenever the office of the President and the Vice President are vacant due to their inability to complete their terms  of

In such a case, the Board of Directors shall assemble to elect a new President and Vice President within two weeks.

  • To keep records of all proceedings of the executive committee, and that of the General Assembly as well as to keep attendance list of all General Assembly meetings and other activities sponsored by the
  • To assist the President in preparing the agendas of the General Assembly meetings and other similar
  • To be responsible for all official correspondence of the

Section 7:  The duties of the Treasurer shall be: 

  • To keep records of all financial transactions of the Organization and make all duly authorized payments/bank
  • To present an accurate financial report at all meetings to the General
  • To submit, a detailed account of all revenues and expenditures of the Organization to the General Assembly on  a monthly and yearly
  • To be responsible for the collection of and proper recording of membership fees, monthly dues, special contributions and/or levies in the absence of the Financial
  • To present the annual budget as pre-approved by the Board of Directors to the General Assembly for final

(t) To co-sign all checks/disbursements on  behalf of the  Organization

  • To keep receipts of all financial transactions on behalf of the
  • To make bank deposits within three business days of all monies collected on behalf of the Organization
  • To cooperate with appointed auditor(s) in facilitating the duties/assignments of the  auditor(s).

Section 8:  The duties of the Financial Secretary shall   be: 

The duties of the Financial Secretary shall  be:

  • To collect and receive all moneys due the United Esan Organization   (UEO).
  • To reconcile all monies collected with the Financial
  • To be responsible for the collection of and proper recording of membership fees,  monthly  dues,  special contributions and/or
  • To make bank deposits within three business days of all monies collected on behalf of the

Section 9:   The duties of the  Public Relations Officer shall  be: 

  • To organize and implement publicity work for the various events sponsored by the Organization.
  • To draft and distribute announcements to the General
  • To organize and supervise all activities of social or cultural
  • To assist the Treasurer in the collection of special contributions necessary to sponsor social and/or cultural
  • To organize and supervise the production of a periodical Newsletter on behalf of the