Section  1:  General Assembly

(a) The General Assembly shall consist of all members in good standing.
(b) The duties of the General Assembly shall include but not limited to election of the members of the executive committee and the Board of Directors; approval or disapproval of any constitutional amendments, review any decision(s) and/or action(s) of the executive committee.
( c) Regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be open to all members as defined in all sections of ARTICLE III.

Section 2:  Executive Committee

( a) The executive committee shall be the administrative body of the Organization.
(b) The executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Public Relations Officer.
(c) No executive member shall be re-elected for the same position for more than two consecutive terms, a term being two (2) years

(d) Elections for executive members shall be held in the month of June bi-yearly at the General Assembly meeting.
( e) Members elected to executive positions shall be sworn-in in the month of July following the month of June they were elected.

(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of two term limits as set forth in the Constitution, any member that has served in the UEO executive should be eligible to run for same or any other position eight years after leaving office, provided he was still in good standing with the organization after he left office eight years preceding seeking such elective position.

Section 3:  Board of Directors

(a) The Board of Directors shall be the advisory council of the Organization
(b) The Board shall consist ofno more than five (5) members.
(c) No Board member shall be re-elected for the same position for more than two consecutive terms, a term being two (2) years.
( d) Board members election shall be held in June and not same year as Executive member election.

Section 4: Disciplinary Committee

(a) The Disciplinary Committee shall be made up of five (5) members.
(b) Three members of the Disciplinary Committee shall constitute a quorum.
(c) Meetings of the Disciplinary Committee shall not commence without a quorum.
( d) All disputes between members of the UEO shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for hearing/resolution/adjudication
(e) The Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to recommend sanctions/punishment(s) to the party(s) deemed at fault, subject to the approval or revision of the General Assembly.