Section  1:  Election Bill 

  • The provision of this bill shall be binding m the election and political process of the Organization.
  • This bill shall be called the Organization election

Section 2:  Electoral  Committee (ad-hoc)

  • A three member electoral committee shall be appointed by the Board members  for  the duration of the office of the
  • The three members of the electoral committee shall be active members (Article Ill) of the
  • The members of the electoral committee shall oversee the electoral procedures during the general
  • The election results shall be announced by the electoral committee immediately after the elections are held
Section 3:  General Election  Procedures 
  • All candidates for both the executive committee and Board of Directors shall file  an application for the desired position at least one month prior to the date   of election.
  • All applications shall include name, address, educational background, occupation, and a brief description of how the candidate intends to enhance the progress of the
  • All applications shall be typed and copies made available to all members present  in  the  General Assembly meeting preceding the date of
  • The conduct of elections shall be monitored by the Electoral Commission (Ad-hoc).
  • Candidates to be elected shall not be members of the Electoral (f). All candidates to be elected shall be present during the election.
  • The elections of officers shall be based on a simple majority vote of the qualified general membership (ARTICLE III) present at the time of the
  • Voting shall be by secret ballot
  • Vote by proxy shall not be
Section 4:  Eligibility 
  • All candidates shall have met  the requirements stated  in  ARTICLE III
  • All candidates shall have been in attendance at a higher institution of learning no less than two consecutive
  • All candidates for the position of the President and Vice President shall have attained a degree in any subject area from a higher institution  of
  • All candidates for the position of the Treasurer shall have studied Accounting or  related subject for no less that two consecutive years in a higher institution of
  • All candidates shall have no criminal record of conviction at any given point in
  • All candidates shall have regularly paid all their monthly dues and other approved levies, moreover, delinquency in payments (that is, non-payments) shall not have been in excess of two months monthly dues


Section  1:  Executive Members 

  • All newly elected executive members shall remain in the office for a period not to exceed two- calendar years from the date of their initial or first
  • All newly elected executive members shall be sworn in and assume office at the next General Assembly meeting following the
  • All executive members shall hand over to their successors all of the Organization’s properties, documents and materials in their possession no later than two weeks after the

Section 2:  Board of Directors 

  • All newly elected members of the Board shall remain in office for a period of two years  from  the date of their initial or first
  • All newly elected Board members shall be sworn in and assume office at the next general meeting following the
  • All outgoing Board members shall hand-over to the President (for on-ward transfer to  the  newly elected Board members) all of the Organization’s properties,  documents and  materials  in their possession  no later than  three weeks after the election of the new  Board

Section 3:  Conditions for  Removal/Dismissal  of Officcr(s)

  • Expiration of term and or new election or
  • Voluntary resignation or,
  • Proof of negligence or,
  • Proof of abuse of office (may include misrepresentation of ones credentials to the Organization, embezzlement, corruption, bribery, misconduct etc) or
  • Proof of any criminal record of conviction or
  • Any other circumstance that may militate against the moral standard expected of a member of the In this regard, such circumstance shall be defined by the Executive members or Board members and approved by a two-third majority  vote of the general  membership present at the General Assembly meeting during which the said circumstance was defined or argued  or debated.

Section 4:  Procedure for Dismissal of Officer(s) 

  • Proof(s) of negligence of duty, abuse of office, and criminal record shall be submitted in writing to the executive committee and the Board of Directors for  review/recommendation.
  • Irrespective of the recommendations of the officers, the merits or lack of merit of the allegations shall be a written request by any
  • Emergency meeting of the General Assembly may be called if the litigant (officer in question) refuses to tender a written notice of his resignation, and  return all  properties/materials belonging  to the Organization after a due process determines such  individual  to  be  ineligible  to  hold  an
  • The President shall serve an official  notice of dismissal to  any  officer that  becomes  ineligible to hold an In case the President is the litigant, the Board  of  Directors  shall  serve  the demoted President such an  official notice of dismissal.
  • The due process referred to in  (c) above shall  include but not limited to the   following:
  • Consultation of the accused officer with other officers in a special meeting called by the President or the Board of Directors: as the case may
  • If applicable, presentations of counter evidence (also in writing) by the accused officer to the officers present at the meeting
  • If applicable, presentation of proof against the accused and/or counter

evidence by the accused  officer to a General  Assembly  in  a regular or emergency  meeting

  • A vote by the General Assembly in the merits or demerits of the proof and  the  counter evidence;
  • The simple majority of the general membership present shall prevail The accused officer is retained or removed/dismissed.